This video features a message from the governor of Fukushima Prefecture Uchibori Masao which was released on March 11, 2019, the 8th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear power disaster.
Amid fading memories of the disaster and the nuclear power accident, we citizens of the prefecture have released messages every year since the 2011 3/11 Fukushima Memorial Event to Commemorate the Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Prayer for Revitalization (March 11, 2012), in order to pray sincerely for the repose of victims' souls as well as renew our commitment for the revitalization.
◆Title: A Message from Fukushima on March 11, 2019
word count: 717, about 7 minutes
◆Members of the March 11 Governor’s Message Draft Committee ( in the order of the Japanese syllabary )
Uchibori Masao, Governor, Fukushima Prefecture ( Chairperson of the committee )
Ono Hiroshi, Managing Editor, The Fukushima Minyu Shimbun
Kikuchi Shintaro, Director, NPO PEP Network of Child Care in Koriyama
Kurata Honoo, Editorial director, The Fukushima Minpo Newspaper Publishing Company
Sasaki Kouji, Superintendent of Education, Shinchi Town Board of Education
Hachisuka Reiko, Director, Okuma Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Okuma
Honda Tamaki, Project Professor, Fukushima Future Center for Regional Revitalization, Fukushima University
Yokota Junko, Director, NPO Sozai Hiroba