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The Craftspeople of Fukushima Take on New Challenges


The craftspeople of Fukushima are taking on new challenges in the scene of crafting, supported by
many people and a variety of aspirations.
We will report on the charms of Fukushima through the stories behind seven craftspeople.

【Aizukiritansu Corporation】
The company was established in Mishima-machi, the home of Aizu paulownia said to be of the highest
quality in Japan, with the aim of restoring the planting and cultivation of paulownia, which has been
outcompeted by the increase inimported materials. 

【b Prize Corporation】
Aizu-nuri lacquerware has been passed down through the generations for over 430 years.
One of Japan's most prominent master craftspeople of Aizu has taken on the challenges of creating
the ultimate, thin lacquerware by redesigning the Hino-wan bowl, on which Aizu-nuri is based,
to make "urushiol" rice bowls and shallow bowls.

【Rakuzen LLC】
Rakuzen is a brand of tableware made by an NPO, supporting disabled people, working in cooperation with
Aizu-nuri craftspeople.
The stylish lacquerware, including the easy-to-hold "Rakuzen-wan" bowl and "Raku-sara" plate,
combines the skills of craftspeople with the ideas of disabled people.

【KODAI Sangyo Co., Ltd.】
KODAI Sangyo is a manufacturer of a comprehensive range of wooden houseware products to provide people
with comfort and coziness.
The company provides safe, traceable wooden products for use in the home that makes use of the texture
and softness of wood.

【Shirakawa Sangyo】
The company's products have been named "KiRe_mono" from the word, "kire," meaning cloth in Fukushima,
combined with "mono" taken from words such as "nunomono (cotton fabrics)," "tanmono (kimono fabrics)"
and "orimono (woven fabrics)." 

【SENFUJI Co., Ltd.】
"Ruri-urushi" is an original product that fuses glass with Aizu-nuri lacquerware.
A refreshing green has been added to the traditional lacquerware colors of vermilion and black, creating
a design that brings out the texture of glass.

【Fukushima Knitting Industrial Association】
The Date region of Fukushima Prefecture is steeped in the history of the ancestor honored as
the god of weaving, and as a region closely tied with Date Masamune.
Founded on this history, the Fukushima Knitting Industrial Association succeeded in developing
yarn dyed with 100%natural vegetables harvested from local farms, and mass producing industrial
products from them.

[About rooms]
A fashion and design joint exhibition.
One of the biggest exhibitions in the world with over 500 brands participating, and 20,000 visitors.
Fukushima Prefecture set up a Fukushima booth at "rooms33" held in September 2016, and
the above seven companies and organizations took part.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to all the companies,
organizations and associated people for their cooperation in making this movie.

[Soundtrack used]
Broad Land / brightwaltz
HIRAHIRA / MoppySound
style / Ryo Lion
Aozora Kuko/ Kazuchi

* The charms of Fukushima Prefecture's four seasons, a variety of the latest information,
and new movies are constantly being posted onto Fukushima Prefecture's official channel.
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2-16 Sugitsuma-cho, Fukushima City, Fukushima 960-8670, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)24-521-1111

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