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Transition of the number of evacuees

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Damage in Fukushima Prefecture > Transition of the number of evacuees > Transition of the number of evacuees
To print view 2024年12月11日更新
  • As a result of the nuclear disaster, the vicinity of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station was designated as an evacuation zone, forcing residents to evacuate to locations both within and outside the prefecture. Even some residents outside the evacuation-designated zones chose to evacuate voluntarily for a variety of reasons, including concerns about radiation.
  • In May 2012, approximately 160,000 individuals evacuated to various locations within and outside Fukushima (60,000 to outside the prefecture and 100,000 within the prefecture). Subsequently, as evacuation orders were lifted one by one in the designated zones, the number of evacuees decreased. However, there are still many individuals who remain unable to return to their original places of residence at the time of the disaster.

Current number of evacuees (As of 1 Nov. 2024)​

  • 25,610 individuals (including 19,849 evacuees outside the prefecture, 5,756 evacuees within the prefecture, and 5 individuals with unknown evacuation destinations)

Transition of the number of evacuees


【Source】:Fukushima Prefectural Disaster Response Headquarters -Immediate report on the damage situation caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011

Real-time report on the damage in 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake [Japanese only]

Situation of evacuation and conditions at evacuation shelters​

      Situation of evacuation and conditions at evacuation shelters​1      evacuation shelters​1

      Situation of evacuation and conditions at evacuation shelters​       evacuation shelters​2

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