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Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima


Overview of support programmes for individuals

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > To Those Affected by the Disaster > List of support programmes for individuals > Overview of support programmes for individuals
To print view 2023-07-04 Update

Provision of various information

Fukushima-no-Imagawakaru Shinbun, newspapers for evacuees

Information about "Fukushima Today" including progress of evacuee support and Fukushima's recovery is provided to all those who have evacuated in and out of Fukushima as well as those involved in supporting the affected and evacuated individuals.

Newspaper Distribution

Copies of local newspapers, Fukushima Minpo and Fukushima Minyu, have been sent to public facilities nationwide in order to allow those evacuated outside the prefecture to stay informed about Fukushima and feel connected to their hometown.


Newsletters from the prefecture and local municipalities have been sent to evacuees to let them know about the progress of the recovery and ongoing efforts for the revitalization in the prefecture.

Support Projects

Following support is provided to evacuees.

  1. Housing support: Provision of temporary housing, development of Revitalization Public Housing, etc.
  2. Employment support: Assistance for business continuity (commerce and industry, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries), employment and job placement support, etc.
  3. Daily life support: Life support, community building, provision of information, etc.
  4. Mental and physical well-being: Mental health care, health management, medical support, etc.
  5. Parenting and education: Support for childcare, educational assistance (scholarships, school support, etc.), etc.
  6. Tax assistance: Tax reductions and exemptions, etc.
  7. Establishment of various counseling services

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