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Fukushima Prefectures efforts towards decommissioning

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Decommissioning and decontamination > Fukushima Prefectures efforts towards decommissioning
To print view 2025-01-06 Update

Information on discharge of ALPS treated water into the ocean [Japanese only]

Information on discharge of ALPS treated water into the ocean

The inter-ministerial council held by the Japanese government on 22 Aug. reached a unanimous decision to fully commit to the disposal of ALPS treated water until its completion, and to start the discharge into the sea on 24 Aug. if there is no interference due to weather or sea conditions. The discharge started on the same day. The prefecture is monitoring the efforts, such as the operational status of the ALPS treated water dilution/discharge facility, on site.

Overview of Fukushima Prefecture's efforts toward decommissioning

Overview of Fukushima Prefecture's efforts toward decommissioning

An overview of Fukushima Prefecture's decommissioning efforts is shown here.

"Learn about decommissioning" PR newspaper -Process of decommissioning Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station- [Japanese only]

Learn about decommissioning PR newspaper -Process of decommissioning Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station-

PR newspaper compiling Fukushima Prefecture's safety monitoring and other efforts related to the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.

Safety Monitoring Council [Japanese only]

Safety Monitoring Council

Confirming matters for safety assurance and sharing information among organisations concerninhg the decommissioning project of the national government and TEPCO.

Prefectural Safety Assurance Coference [Japanese only]

Prefectural Safety Assurance CoferenceConsisting of residents and various organisations of the 12 municipalitiesis, they oversee the progress of decommissioning efforts from the perspective of the local community to ensure the safety and steady progress of the work.

Local Representatives [Japanese only]

Local Representatives

Collect and verify information on the status of the nuclear power station on-site, monitor the development of events in case of failure.

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