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Effects of radiation to the human body

To print view 2023-02-10 Update
  • The effects of radiation on the human body still remain largely unknown. 
  • What is currently known is that exposure to significant amounts of radiation can cause certain symptoms.
  • Additionally, when comparing cases where the same amount of radiation is received, it has been observed that the impact is greater when "a large dose is received at once" compared to "a small dose is received over a long period of time". 

The mechanism by which radiation affects health.

The mechanism by which radiation affects health is as follows

  • When exposed to a large amount of radiation, children (up to around 12 years of age) are thought to be two to three times more susceptible to its effects than adults.
  • However, this does not mean that children are extremely vulnerable to radiation by nature. Radiation experts emphasises the importance of taking children into account because they live longer than adults.
  • Radiation levels in Fukushima Prefecture are not a cause for concern, even for infants, whose cells are actively dividing and are considered susceptible to radiation.
  • Monitoring results from various locations indicate values that do not pose a health risk to mothers and children. Rather than being overly concerned about radiation, it is rather important for families to first understand what radiation is.

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