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Ensuring the safety and security of health

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To print view 2023-09-28 Update

An overview of Fukushima Health Management Survey

An overview of Fukushima Health Management Survey

Information on various health assessments including [Basic Survey], [Thyroid Ultrasound Examination] and [Whole Body Counter(WBC) inspection for internal exposure].

About Basic Survey [Japanese only]

About Basic Survey

The survey is conducted to estimate the external exposure dose in the period that air dose levels were at the highest after the nuclear accident. The survey covers all residents of the prefecture.

About thyroid examinations [Japanese only]

About thyroid examinationsBased on the findings from the Chernobyl nuclear power station accident that the internal exposure to radioactive iodine may have caused health damage, particularly thyroid cancer in children, the survey is being conducted to ensure long-term monitoring of children's health.

Whole Body Counter(WBC) inspection [Japanese only]

Whole Body Counter(WBC) inspectionWhole Body Counter inspection is conducted to measure the internal radiation dose.

Fukushima Health Management Survey [Comprehensive Health Checkup] (for those in evacuation zones, etc.)[Japanese only]

Fukushima Health Management Survey [Comprehensive Health Checkup] (for those in evacuation zones, etc.)

Comprehensive Health Checkup is conducted to observe health of all citizens and promote long-term well-being.

Fukushima Health Management Survey [Mental Health and Lifestyle Survey (Koko-Kara Survey)] [Japanese only]

Fukushima Health Management SurveyMental health and lifestyle survey is conducted to assess the mental and physical wellness (issues) of citizens of the prefecture facing difficult circumstances due to the disaster and pass on better approaches to mental care.

Fukushima Health Management Survey [Pregnancy and Birth Survey] [Japanese only]

Fukushima Health Management SurveyPregnancy and Birth Survey is conducted to monitor the health status of expectant and nursing mothers and to support their health management.

[Fukushima Health Management Survey] Investigative Committee [Japanese only]

Investigative Committee

[Fukushima Health Management Survey] Investigative Committee was established to obtain a broad range of expert advice on the Fukushima Health Management Survey.

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