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Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima


Connecting with Fukushima

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > The Charms of Fukushima / Supporting Fukushima > Connecting with Fukushima
To print view 2024年10月7日更新

Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima PR team[Japanese only]

Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima PR teamWelcoming new members of the Fukushima PR team, so that many people will share the idea of Fukushima slogan, "Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima."

Team Fukushima Pride[Japanese only]

Team Fukushima Pride

This is a website for fan clubs where proud producers and their supporters come together.

Fukushima "Goen" portal site[Japanese only]

Goen portal site

"Discover Fukushima," "Support Fukushima," "Start a Business in Fukushima," and more. This portal site is designed to provide businesses interested in Fukushima with an opportunity to learn about it in an accesible manner and foster bonds.

Fukushima Fan Club[Japanese Only]

Fukushima Fan Club

The Fukushima Fan Club is Fukushima's cheerleading squad! This fan club is created by people who love Fukushima. Find the latest information about Fukushima here. There are no membership fees or annual fees, so feel free to register.

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