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An overview of Fukushima Health Management Survey

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Basic Survey (Estimation of external radiation exposure dose) (Japanese Only)

  • External exposure doses were estimated from activity records over four months following the nuclear accident for 2,055,238residents in the prefecture as of 11 Mar. 2011.
  • Out of the 467,484people (as of the end of March 2024) who responded to the survey excluding those with experience in radiation work and those whose estimated exposure period was less than four months, 99.8% were exposed to less than 5 mSv (millisieverts), with the maximum value being 25 mSv.
    *Total number of respondents: 569,691 (response rate: 27.7%)
  • The dose estimates obtained in this survey (external effective dose for the first 4 months after the accident: 99.8% less than 5mSv, etc.) have been evaluated as being below the level of statistically significant differences in verifiable health effects in the light of current scientific knowledge.
  • See here for more on the survey results
    Document 1 from the 52nd "Prefectural Oversight Committee for the Fukushima Health Management Survey" ( 2 August 2024) (Japanese only)

Thyroid Ultrasound Examination (Ultrasound examination to assess the condition of thyroid) (Japanese Only)

1 Preliminary baseline screening (As of March 31, 2018) [Conducted in FY2011-2013]

Primary Examination (Completed on 30 Apr. 2015)
Number of eligible individuals 367,637 people
Number of examinees 300,472 people (Examination rate: 81.7%)
Number of results acquired 300,472 people (Aquisition rate: 100.0%)
A (A1) classification 154,605 people (51.5%)
A (A2) classification 143,573 people (47.8%)
B classification 2,293 people (0.8%)
C classification 1 person (0.0%)
Confirmatory Examination (As of 31 Mar. 2018)
Number of eligible individuals 2,293 people
Number of examinees 2,130 people(Examination rate: 92.9%)
Number of confirmed diagnosis 2,091 people (Diagnose rate: 98.2%)
Of which, cases with malignancy or suspected malignancy: 116 people

2 Full scale examination (Second round examination) (As of 31 Mar. 2021) [Conducted in FY2014-2015]

Primary Examination
Number of eligible individuals 381,237 people
Number of examinees 270,552 people(Examination rate: 71.0%)
Number of results acquired 270,552 people(Aquisition rate: 100.0%)
A (A1) classification 108,726 people (40.2%)
A (A2) classification 159,596 people (59.0%)
B classification 2,230 people (0.8%)
C classification 0 people (0.0%)
Confirmatory Examination
Number of eligible individuals 2,230 people
Number of examinees 1,877 people (Examination rate: 84.2%)
Number of confirmed diagnosis 1,834 people (Diagnose rate: 97.7%)
Of which, cases with malignancy or suspected malignancy: 71 people

3 Full Scale Examination (Third round examination) (As of 31 Mar. 2021) [Conducted in FY2016-2017]

Primary Examination
Number of eligible individuals 336,667 people (Excluding individuals born in FY1992-1993, the subjects of the milestone examination at the age of 25)
Number of examinees 217,922 people (Examination rate: 64.7%)
Number of results acquired 217,922 people (Aquisition rate: 100.0%)
Confirmatory Examination
Number of eligible individuals 1,502 people
Number of examinees 1,104 people (Examination rate: 73.5%)
Number of confirmed diagnosis 1,068 people (Diagnose rate: 96.7%)
Of which, cases with malignancy or suspected malignancy: 31 people

4 Full Scale Examination (Fourth round examination) (As of 30 Jun. 2022) [Conducted in FY2018-2019]

Primary Examination
Number of eligible individuals 294,228 people (Excluding individuals born in FY1992-1995, the subjects of the milestone examination at the age of 25)
Number of examinees 183,410 people (Examination rate: 62.3%)
Number of results acquired 183,410 people (Aquisition rate: 100.0%)
A (A1) classification 61,712 people (33.6%)
A (A2) classification 120,304 people (65.6%)
B classification 1,394 people (0.8%)
C classification 0 people (0.0%)
Confirmatory Examination
Number of eligible individuals 1,394 people
Number of examinees 1,036 people (Examination rate: 74.3%)
Number of confirmed diagnosis 1,016 people (Diagnose rate: 98.1%)
Of which, cases with malignancy or suspected malignancy: 39 people

5 Full Scale Examination (Fifth round examination) (As of 31 Dec. 2023) [Conducted in FY2020-2022]

Primary Examination
Number of eligible individuals 252,938 people (Excluding individuals born in FY1992-1997, subjects of the milestone examination)
Number of examinees

113,950 people (Examination rate: 45.1%)

Number of results acquired 113,946 people (Aquisition rate: 100.0%)
A (A1) classification 32,843 people (28.8%)
A (A2) classification 79,757 people (70.0%)
B classification 1,346 people (1.2%)
C classification 0 people (0.0%)
Confirmatory Examination
Number of eligible individuals 1,346 people
Number of examinees 1,092 people (Examination rate: 81.1%)
Number of confirmed diagnosis 1,058 people (Diagnose rate: 96.9%)
Of which, cases with malignancy or suspected malignancy: 45 people

6 Full Scale Examination (Sixth round examination) (As of 31 Dec. 2023) [Conducted in FY2023-2024]

Primary Examination
Number of eligible individuals 211,885 people (Excluding individuals born in FY1992-1999, subjects of the milestone examination)
Number of examinees

34,435 people (Examination rate: 16.3%)

Number of results acquired 27,923 people (Aquisition rate: 81.1%)
A (A1) classification 7,601 people (27.2%)
A (A2) classification 19,940 people (71.4%)
B classification 382 people (1.4%)
C classification 0 people(0.0%)

7 Milestone Examination at the age of 25 (As of 30 Sep. 2023) [Conducted in FY2017 onwards]

Primary Examination
Number of eligible individuals 129,006 people (Born in FY1992-1997)
Number of examinees 11,867 people (Examination rate: 9.2%)
Number of results acquired 11,858 people (Aquisition rate: 99.9%)
A (A1) classification 5,039 people (42.5%)
A (A2) classification 6,172 people (52.0%)
B classification 647 people (5.5%)
C classification 0 people (0.0%)
Confirmatory Examination
Number of eligible individuals 647 people
Number of examinees 545 people (Examination rate: 84.2%)
Number of confirmed diagnosis 535 people (Diagnose rate: 98.2%)
Of which, cases with malignancy or suspected malignancy: 23 people

8 Milestone examination at age 30 (As of 30 Sep. 2023) [Conducted in FY2022 onwards]

Primary Examination
Number of eligible individuals 22,625 people (Born in FY1992)
Number of examinees 1,571 people (Examination rate: 6.9%)
Number of results acquired 1,562 people (Aquisition rate: 99.4%)
A (A1) classification 696 people (44.6%)
A (A2) classification 732 people (46.9%)
B classification 134 people (8.6%)
C classification 0 people (0.0%)
Confirmatory Examination
Number of eligible individuals 134 people
Number of examinees 107 people (Examination rate: 79.9%)
Number of confirmed diagnosis 96 people (Diagnose rate: 89.7%)
Of which, cases with malignancy or suspected malignancy: 5 people

*Those who receive a B or C in the primary examination are invited to undergo a confirmatory examination.

Comprehensive Health Checkup (General health checkup items and differential count of leukocytes) (Japanese Only)

Results of FY 2022
  Number of eligible individuals Number of examinees Examination rate
For those aged 15 and below 18,253 people 1,704 people 9.3%
For those aged 16 and above 193,195 people 34,269 people 17.7%
Overall 211,448 people 35,973 people 17.0%

Mental Health and Lifestyle Survey (Questionnaire survey conducted for residents in evacuation zones and other relevant regions) (Japanese Only)

Results of FY 2021
Number of eligible individuals Number of valid responses Response rate
196,569 people 40,749 people 20.7%

Pregnancy and Birth Survey (Questionnaire survey for mothers with maternal and child health handbook) (Japanese Only)

  • The survey was conducted to understand the mental and physical health of pregnant and postpartum women, reduce anxiety, and provide necessary care.
  • The survey consists of a "Main Survey" conducted about one year after a pregnancy notification has been submitted and "Follow-up Surveys" conducted four and eight years after childbirth.
  • The Main Survey ended in FY2022 because the rates of premature birth, low birth weight, and congenital anomalies were found to be almost no different from government statistics and generally reported data.
  • For more detailed results of the survey, please see the link below.

About Fukushima Health Management Survey "Pregnancy and Birth Survey" (Japanese only)

Internal radiation exposure examination using whole-body counter (Measurement of internal radiation dose to the entire human body) (Japanese Only)

The examination measures the radioactive cesium absorbed into the body from the atmosphere, food and other sources using a whole-body counter, and estimates the radiation dose expected to be received over a lifetime.

Fukushima Health Management Survey Investigative Committee

For Fukushima Health Management Survey, an investigative committee consisting of experts has been established for professional insight.
For the latest survey status of the Fukushima Health Management Survey, please refer to the materials of Investigative Commitee at the links below.​
Fukushima Health Management Survey Investigative Committee (Japanese Only)

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