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Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima


Integration and development of new industries

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Reconstruction and promotion of industries > Integration and development of new industries
To print view 2023-09-28 Update

Overview of integration and development of new industries

Overview of integration and development of new industries

An overview of integration and development of new industries is provided here.

Fukushima Prefecture Renewable Energy Promotion Vision 2021 - Toward a Sustainable Society - [Japanese only]

Fukushima Prefecture Renewable Energy Promotion Vision 2021 - Toward a Sustainable Society -

The Promotion Vision as a new fundamental policy toward FY2030 to promote the adoption of renewable energy has been established.

Action plan for pioneering in renewable energy (Phase 4) [Japanese only]

Action plan for pioneering in renewable energy (Phase 4)An action plan has been drawn up to achieve the goal set out in the Promotion Vision to become a pioneer in renewable energy.

Integration of Medical Industry [Japanese only]

Integration of Medical IndustryFukushima Prefecture, with its unique strengths as one of the largest producer of medical equipment in the country, is actively integrating medical equipment industries through industry-academia-government collaboration .

Integration of robot industry [Japanese only]

Integration of robot industry

Comprehensive support has been provided in the prefecture with the aim of creating "Fukushima, the Land of Robot Industry Revolution". The support includes educational activities, networking, research and development, and support for business growth.

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