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Overview of support programmes for businesses

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > To Those Affected by the Disaster > List of support programmes for businesses > Overview of support programmes for businesses
To print view 2024-06-28 Update

Reconstruction and revitalization support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 

  • Support guidebook
  • Fukushima Prefecture Database of Manufacturers, a portal site on manufacturing businesses in Fukushima Prefecture
  • Support provided by the Fukushima Trade Promotion Council
    (For individuals engaged in international business or those interested in expanding their overseas market)
    English version of Fukushima Trade Promotion Council website

Preferential tax system

Business investment support utilising special provisions for taxation (preferential tax system)


Special provisions for taxation on businesses investment in the revitalization of industries in the special zones​

Special provisions for taxation on business investment in the revitalization of tourism in the special zones

Special provisions for taxation concerning the Act on Special Measures for the Reconstruction and Revitalization of Fukushima 

 Zones and business fields​

Manufacturing, etc.

Agriculture, etc


Areas where evacuation orders have been lifted

SZRR designated by the national government

Industrial parks in the 15 municipalities

Agricultural promotion areas in the 15 municipalities (excluding some areas) and areas which promote clusters of the fishing industry with fishing ports as the core

Tourism facilities using regional resources such as hot springs in 8 municipalities within Fukushima Prefecture


Promoting industries and business investment

Revitalization of farming and fishing villages

Revitalization of tourism

Supporting the resumption or continuation of business operations and promoting new business in the zones

The preferential tax system to promote the Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework

Special provision for taxation may be applied for investments in equipment, employment of disaster victims, etc., and R&D related to the development of new products in key areas of the initiative.

Eligible areas

Areas implementing projects which promote the creation of new industries
*Part of the international research and industry areas in Fukushima Prefecture (15 municipalities)​

Who can apply

The sole proprietor or corporations who are in areas implementing projects which promote the creation of new industries and who are engaged in these projects 
*These projects are specified by the Order of the Reconstruction Agency to play a central part in creating and activating industry clusters​

The preferential tax system for measures against harmful rumours

A preferential tax system is in place for businesses that combat harmful rumours about industries such as agriculture, forestry, fishery and tourism. ​

Eligible areas

All 59 municipalities in the Prefecture​

Who can apply

Individual business operators or corporations conducting specified business activities in any of the following business fields in the Prefecture.​

  1. Business activities related to production, processing, distribution and sales of agricultural, forestry, and fisheries products.
  2. Business activities supporting the promotion of tourism in the Prefecture.

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