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Exposure to radiation

To print view 2023年2月10日更新

The term "exposure" means being exposed to radiation. "Exposure" includes both "external exposure" and "internal exposure".

External radiation exposure

  • External radiation exposure refers to the situation where the radioactive material, the source of radiation, is outside the body and the body is exposed to radiation from outside.
  • The amount of exposure decreases as you move away from the radiation source.

External radiation exposure

For example, if the distance is doubled, the exposure amount is reduced to one-fourth. 
*The image is for illustrative purposes only.

Internal radiation exposure

  • Internal radiation exposure refers to the situation where the body is exposed to radiation from radioactive sources that enter the body through inhalation, ingestion of contaminated substances or the entry of radioactive material absorbed on the skin through open wounds. 
  • There are four pathways of internal radiation exposure: 
    Skin Absorption: The absorption of radioactive materials through the skin.
    Ingestion: The intake of radioactive materials through food or drinks.
    Inhalation: The inhalation of radioactive materials.
    Wound Penetration: The entry of radioactive materials through open wounds.

【Primary pathways that human body intakes radioactive materials】

Internal radiation exposure

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