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The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Reconstruction and promotion of industries > Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework > The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum
To print view 2024-07-22 Update

Exterior Inside the exhibition floor

The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum was opened in September 2020. Through the exhibition and training based on collected materials, investigations and research of the disaster, it aims to communicate the unprecedented record, lessons, and progress of the complex disaster to both domestic and international audiences, ensuring its transmission to future generations and contributing to disaster prevention and reduction efforts. As a focal point for Hope Tourism, where people can learn about the reconstruction from the earthquake, the museum welcomes visitors from both within and outside the prefecture.

Guiding tenets of this Museum 

The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum aims to properly convey the unprecedented compound disaster unique to Fukushima Prefecture through its 3 tenets.

  1. To share with the world and pass on to future generations information about the nuclear disaster, revitalization efforts, and the lessons that were learned. 
  2. To promote disaster risk reduction and mitigation.
  3. To accelerate the revitalization efforts by collaborating with people and organisations that support Fukushima to revive regional communities, culture, and tradition, while fostering the next generation who will continue the revitalization efforts.

The four functions derived from the tenets of this museum

The four functions derived from the tenets of this museum.

The collected and preserved relevant materials are utilised in investigations and research, as well as incorporated into exhibitions, presentations, and training programs, allowing you to learn from the experiences and lessons derived from nuclear disasters.

*The museum will feature more exhibitions that offer a comprehensive understanding of the events from that time and the various efforts that were made, along with programmes, including storytelling sessions, specifically designed for students who may have vague memories of the event or who did not experience the disaster.

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