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Ensuring the safety and security of food

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Ensuring safety and security > Ensuring the safety and security of food
To print view 2024-01-25 Update

Food inspection system

Food inspection systemA comprehensive inspection of radioactive materials is conducted at every stage of production (place and entity of production), distribution and consumption for food, and only products that have been confirmed as safe are allowed for shipment in Fukushima Prefecture. The results of the inspection is publicly disclosed.

Monitoring inspection results of agricultural, forestry and fishery products [An overview]

Monitoring inspection results of agricultural, forestry and fishery productsIn addition to the prefecture's emergency monitoring inspection, voluntary inspection is conducted by producers for items such as rice, horticultural products and seafood.

Inspections of radioactive materials in processed foods, etc. [Japanese only]

加工食品等の放射性物質検査についてProcessed foods and similar products manufactured or processed in Fukushima Prefecture are tested for radioactive materials at the Fukushima Institute for Public Health.

Inspections for radioactivity of vegetables for private consumption in the prefecture [Japanese only]

県内における自家消費野菜等の放射能検査Inspections for radioactivity of home-grown vegetables and similar produce intended for personal consumption, wild edible plants, mushrooms, etc. are conducted by the prefectural and municipal governments.

Results of radiation monitoring surveys of wild birds and animals [Japanese only]

野生鳥獣の放射性モニタリング調査結果Surveys for measurement of concentration of radionuclides in the bodies of wild birds and animals caught in the prefecture are being conducted.

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