Restrictions on Shipment, Intake, etc. Based on the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
●Inspections of radioactive materials in processed foods, etc.
●Standard Limits for Radioactive Substances in Foods
1 Explanations of Shipping Restrictions and Other Terms
(Intake Restrictions)
A government directive that, in addition to shipment restrictions, limits intake (including agricultural products intended for personal consumption or home-grown produce) when significantly high levels of radioactive materials are detected.
(Shipment Restrictions)
A government directive that restricts shipments when radioactive materials exceeding the standards specified in the Food Sanitation Act are detected over a wide geographical area.
(Prefectural Request for Voluntary Restraint)
A request by the prefecture to refrain from consumption, shipment, or self-consumption of food when radioactive materials exceeding the standards specified in the Food Sanitation Act are detected.
2 Areas Under Restrictions on Intake, Shipment, etc., by Item
*Affected areas are divided by colour on the map
Maps of Intake and Shipment Restrictions, etc., by Food Type |
Affected Foods |
Vegetables [PDFファイル/668KB] |
Fruits and tree nuts [PDFファイル/1.33MB] |
Rice (2022-2024 harvest) [PDFファイル/298KB] |
Edible wild plants [PDFファイル/1.76MB] |
Mushrooms [PDFファイル/747KB] |
Livestock products and honey [PDFファイル/459KB] |
Fisheries products [PDFファイル/1.21MB] |
Wild game [PDFファイル/786KB] |
*On the maps, restricted areas are colour-coded as follows.
Dark red: Intake restriction areas
Light red: Shipment restriction areas
Beige: Shipment restriction areas (wild produce only)
Yellow: Prefectural request for voluntary restraint areas
3 Current Shipment Restrictions, etc.
List of shipment and intake restrictions, etc. (as of 18 Oct. 2024) (Japanese only) [PDFファイル/297KB]
*Tabular format is shown for each item.
Status of shipment restrictions and requests for voluntary restraint (as of 18 Oct. 2024) (Japanese only) [PDFファイル/211KB]
*History of past directives and lifts of shipment restrictions, etc.