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To the extensive skies from Fukushima- Yoshihide Muroya

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > The Charms of Fukushima / Supporting Fukushima > List of archived articles > To the extensive skies from Fukushima- Yoshihide Muroya
To print view 2016年7月12日更新

To the extensive skies from Fukushima  

~Wings for Fukushima~  ふくしまへの想いを翼に乗せて

Yoshihide Muroya, Red Bull Air Race Pilot  

Yoshi Muroya

Yoshihide Muroya was born in Nara Prefecture and is now resident of Fukushima city.

‘’RED BULL AIR RACE’’ is known as the ultimate motor sport, which only 14 pilots can participate.

Muroya is the one and only from Asia.

Fukuhsima Sky Park, Fukuhsima city 

 His base is a small field airport ’Fukushima Sky Park’ located in Fukushima city. Whenever he is asked about why he chose this particular place, he would always answer ‘’because of the beautiful nature, pure air and of-course the warmth of the local people’’

In 2008, he was licensed as the first Asian air race pilot. And in 2009, he placed himself at 6th position for his first season.

In Fukushima, Muroya continued to train intensely to improve his skills, but on March 11, 2011 he was confronted with difficulties- the Great East Japan Earthquake.

 with Friends of Fukushima

When he saw the runway been damaged, he felt that he might not be able to fly again.

At that time, it was ’Friends of Fukushima’ who sent Muroya out again into the limpid blue skies.

They never forgot trying to accomplish the same dream.

Yoshi Muroya

In 2014, the second race of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship was held in Croatia. Muroya won his first podium coming 3rd place. These results now make him recognize as world class top pilot.

He won! ( Red Bull Air Race in Chiba, Japan.)

In 2016, he got the first ever victory in Chiba, Japan.

His challenge will go on. 

His flight


"Overseas, some people still think Fukushima is ruins. So, what I can do is to publicize that I am from 'Fukushima'. I carry "Fukushima" on my back and fight."

"Our day to day effort will shape the future of Fukushima for the next 10 years. Present Fukushima is full of great potential. We believe, to overcome every hardships should lead Fukushima itself to a much more secure and competitive brand."

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